Practice News

14th Feb

Pregnancy self referral - Worcestershire


If you live in Worcestershire you can now refer yourself to see a midwife using a simple online form. Please visit:


24th Dec 2024

Vale of Evesham PCN Newsletter - Winter 2024

Please follow the link below to see the Vale of Evesham PCN Winter Newsletter, Thank you. 

PCN Newsletter 2024.pdf



BH poster
6th Dec 2024

Christmas Bank Holiday Opening Hours

Dear Patients,

The Surgery will be closed on Wednesday 25th December, Thursday 26th December and Wednesday 1st January.

For Dispensing patients, the last day to request your medication is:

Friday 13th December.                                                                                                                       

Any prescription requests must be handed in before this date.

Should you require a Doctor out of hours, please contact 111

Thank you, New Barn Close Surgery.

start well
5th Nov 2024

Starting Well Partnership South Worcestershire: Parenting and Community Teams

Starting Well Partnership Website

For information on all of our service and Family Hubs go to the Starting Well Partnership website: 

SWP Facebook page

For lots of local information, tips and advice follow our Facebook page: Starting Well Partnership - South Worcestershire | Worcester | Facebook

Parenting Courses

We offer a wide range of FREE courses to support families within Worcestershire. Working in partnership with families to offer support for parents & children in Worcestershire. View our range of courses by using the link


Visit our ticket website to book a place on a virtual parenting discussion group or one of our local face to face PEEP groups.

Chat Health

Chat health is a confidential text messaging service that enables young people aged 11-19 in Worcestershire to contact a School Health Nurse. They can discuss a wide range of issues including bullying, emotional health, relationships and wellbeing. For more information, please go to:

Parent Talk

Down-to-earth parenting advice you can trust. We’re here for you, when you need us. Find answers to parenting questions in our advice articles. Or talk to a parenting coach about anything that’s worrying you. It’s all free, and no topic is too big, small, or embarrassing.https://


A friendly, nurturing support group for parents, family members and carers of children with Additional Needs, covering ALL of South Worcestershire. They meet to discuss your SEN journey as well as having presentations from time to time from professionals in the SEN field. They meet face to face at Worcester Countryside Park AND virtually via Teams to enable people to access the group as and when they can; we know not every time suits everyone. Email Debbie or Hollie for more information; or

 Starting Well Partnership Pack

8th Oct 2024

Pharmacist & Diabetes Specialist Nurse telephone appointments

Mr Mohammed Ougradar will be calling our diabetic patients for a Pharmacist review. Please note that this call will be from a private number, not our main Surgery line. The private number is safe to answer.

Following your Pharmacist review, you will also receive a call from the Diabetic Specialist Nurse, Mrs Glinys Johnson. If you have any queries about your telephone appointment, please ask our reception team.

Thank you.

24th Sep 2024

Primary Care Network Newsletter - Autumn 2024

Dear Patients,

Please see the Autumn edition of the Vale Of Evesham PCN Newsletter by following the link below.


Kind regards,

New Barn Close Surgery 

20th Sep 2024

Private Room Vacancy

We have a Private consultation room available at New Barn Close Surgery in our Cotswold Suite. The room is available to rent full time to a Clinical Practitioner. For any enquiries, please email or call the main Surgery line on 01386 853651.

Thank you.

20th Sep 2024

Job Vacancies at New Barn Close Surgery

We have two new Job vacancies at New Barn Close Surgery. The vacancies are for:

  • A Temporary Part time Dispensary assistant, Monday to Friday
  • A Permanent Bookkeeper, one day a week

For any enquiries or to submit your CV, please email or call the main Surgery line on 01386 853651.

Thank you.


3rd Sep 2024

Flu and COVID Vaccinations at New Barn Close Surgery October 2024

In preparation for Winter, we have started to arrange clinics for our patients to receive their Flu and COVID Vaccinations.

It is important to get your Vaccines if you are in one of the eligible groups to protect yourself from becoming seriously unwell and to help stop the spread of Flu and COVID.

The below groups are eligible for a Flu Vaccine:

  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
  • Pregnant women
  • Those in long-stay residential care homes 
  • Carers who receive carers allowance or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals
  • Frontline workers 

If you are eligible, you will also be offered your COVID Vaccine at the same time as your Flu vaccination. The Government strongly advises you have your COVID and Flu Vaccines at the same time. It is safe, and we recommend this.

You can now book into our first clinic:

Saturday 5th October 2024  from 8:30am– 16:00pm

To book your Vaccines, please ask at front reception or call us on 01386 853651.

Please only call after 10:30am and select option 6 on the main menu.

Thank you, New Barn Close Surgery

28th Aug 2024

RSV Vaccination Programme

We are inviting patients who are eligible for their RSV vaccination this September. To find out more about the RSV Vaccine, Please follow the link below to visit our RSV page:

14th May 2024

Sleepio - the NHS-recommended digital treatment for insomnia and poor sleep

The NHS recommends that people with insomnia or poor sleep are first offered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for insomnia

Sleepio is the NHS-recommended digital treatment for insomnia and poor sleep, which delivers CBT for insomnia in 10 minute sessions over six weeks

It’s fully funded by the NHS, so entirely free for you as a patient

You can start Sleepio today at

19th Apr 2024

Prescription Cost changes

 Please be aware as of Wednesday 1st May 2024, the Prescription charge is increasing from £9.65 to £9.90 per item.

Many thanks,
New Barn Close Surgery.

child proxy
26th Mar 2024

Do you want to manage your child's repeat prescriptions online?

Do you want to manage your child's repeat prescriptions online?

You can also get online access to book their appointments and view their medical record.

Once this is set up, you can then access these services through the NHS App.

Find out how to Apply to access a child's online GP services (NHS website)

This service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe.

13th Feb 2024

The NHS App

The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services and information on your smartphone or tablet. Millions of people are already using the NHS App to manage their health the easy way from the comfort of their homes.

Whether viewing your GP health record, ordering repeat prescriptions, or nominating your preferred pharmacy – the NHS App hosts a range of features that make it easier to access NHS services and information. Start using the App today.

For more information, including how to download the NHS App, please visit

13th Feb 2024

Do you want to give or get help with GP services?

Do you want to help someone with their GP services, or choose someone to help you?

If you’re both patients at our surgery, you can apply to help someone manage their GP services or choose someone to help manage yours.

GP services are things like booking appointments, ordering repeat prescriptions and viewing medical records. You choose the services you want to get or give access to.

This service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe.

Find out more at

6th Feb 2024

Worcestershire Young Carers

Are you aged 6 - 25 years old caring for someone you live with? 

Worcestershire Young Carers provide young people with the opportunity to attend a variety of activities, youth groups and events within the community. Dependant on the level of need we also provide one to one support with either a keyworker or one of our trained volunteers. We work closely with the education sector to improve the identification and support of young carers, ensuring they are safe, healthy, aspiring and achieving.

Our Participation Group, made up of young carers, highlights their needs and helps get their voices heard by organisations and services that support them. Regardless of their caring responsibilities, young people should have the opportunity to meet new people, make friends and have fun.

To find out more about Worcestershire Young Carers, please get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you!

01905 730780

Worcestershire Young Carers.pdf


30th Jan 2024

Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service

After serving in the Armed Forces, some people find it hard to adjust to civvy street. If you’re struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service is here to help. Available across England, Op COURAGE has helped nearly 30,000 people since 2017.

Op COURAGE is an NHS service developed with people who’ve served in the Armed Forces and experienced mental ill-health. Everyone at Op COURAGE is either from the Armed Forces or has experience of working with the military community. Whether you’re due to leave the Armed Forces, are a reservist or have already left the military, Op COURAGE can help. Find out more at

16th Jan 2024

New Pharmacists

The winter months are very busy, and we know the demand to see a GP is more than the appointments we have available at the time you need them. In response to this, we are extending our patient service here at New Barn Close to include 3 new Pharmacists.

Mr Idrees Akhtar, Miss Nishaat Kanwal and Miss Ruqayyah Zaman will be joining our team to assist the Doctors with their workload. This will also mean that patients requesting drug related queries will be given a telephone appointment with a Pharmacist, who will be able to deal with problems easily and quickly, without the need to wait for an appointment with your GP.

Please note that the Pharmacist may call patients to discuss their medication, discharge medications and reviews.

new yr
3rd Jan 2024

Thank you to our Patients...

Dear Patients,

A massive thank you to all those who brought in lovely treats and goodies to the Staff at Christmas. It is greatly appreciated from all of us at New Barn Close Surgery!

Also, thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the Festive Hamper Raffle. The money we raised will be donated to local charities St Richard’s Hospice and Evesham Dementia Action Alliance.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy New Year!

From all the staff at New Barn Close Surgery.

21st Dec 2023

Junior doctor strikes to impact Herefordshire and Worcestershire NHS services

4th Dec 2023

Christmas Bank Holiday Opening Hours

The Surgery will be closed on Monday 25th December, Tuesday 26th December and Monday 1st January.

For Dispensing patients, the last day to request your medication is Thursday 14th December. Any prescription requests must be handed in before this date.

Should you require a Doctor out of hours, please contact 111

Thank you, New Barn Close Surgery

13th Sep 2023

Flu and COVID Vaccine Update

We have upcoming Flu clinics here at the Surgery. If you have booked an appointment for your Flu, you will also be offered your COVID Vaccine at the same time if you are eligible. The Government strongly advises you have your COVID and Flu Vaccines at the same time, it is safe, and we recommend this.

If you have not yet booked your appointment to have your Flu Vaccine, please ask at front reception or call us on 01386 853651. Please only call after 10:30am and select option 6 on the main menu. This may be your last opportunity to book your appointment.


Thank you,

New Barn Close Surgery

nhs app
22nd Aug 2023

Try the NHS App

If you’re a patient at our practice, you can use the NHS App to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

It doesn’t replace existing services. 

You can still contact us in the usual ways. But, once you have verified your identity in the app, you will have easy, 24/7 access to a growing range of health services and information.

Advice and information:

  • search symptoms, conditions, and treatments 
  • get health advice through 111 online 
  • find NHS services near you 
  • check your NHS number


  • book and cancel appointments 
  • check your referrals and hospital appointments 
  • manage vaccinations 


  • nominate a pharmacy and order repeat prescriptions  

Manage your health:

  • access your GP health record securely 
  • register your organ donation decision 
  • take part in health research  

Send and receive messages:

  • send an online form about your symptoms, conditions, or treatment directly to the surgery  
  • receive messages and notifications 
  • view messages from your GP surgery and get notifications through your phone or tablet 

Help someone else:

  • link profiles. You can apply to access the health records, appointments and prescriptions of people you care for (including children) – or get help from someone you trust 

If you already use [insert name of GP online service available at practice] you can continue to use it. But the NHS App will give you easy and secure access on your smartphone.  

If you have any problems using the NHS App, you can select ‘help’ in the top right-hand corner of the app or visit

31st Jul 2023

Arden, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Diabetic Eye Screening Programme

Diabetes is the second largest cause of preventable blindness in adults, so don’t lose sight of your screening appointment and miss the wonders of the world

From 1st October 2023, the Arden, Herefordshire and Worcestershire Diabetic Eye Screening Programme will be provided by InHealth Intelligence Ltd. If you use this service, you will be invited to your next screening appointment. You do not need to do anything. Your screening records will be securely transferred to InHealth Intelligence Ltd. This will be supported by NHS England Midlands to ensure that your individual data and screening history is held securely and only accessible by the healthcare professionals directly involved in your care.

If you have any questions please email: Or call the new Bookings line: 01905 896 333 (both live from 1st September 2023) 

3rd Jul 2023

Flu Campaign 2023

In preparation for Flu this Winter, we have started to arrange clinics for our patients to receive their Flu Vaccination.

 It is important to get your Vaccine if you are in one of the eligible groups to protect yourself from becoming seriously unwell and to help stop the spread of Flu.

The below groups are eligible for a Flu Vaccine:

  • Those aged 65 years and over
  • Aged 6 months to under 65 years in clinical risk groups
  • Pregnant women
  • Those in long-stay residential care homes 
  • Carers
  • Frontline workers 

You can now book into our first clinic :

Saturday 23rd September 2023  from 8:30am– 13:00pm

To book your Vaccine please ask at front reception or call  us on 01386 853651. Please only call after 10:30am and select option 6 on the main menu.

Thank you , New Barn Close Surgery


16th Mar 2023

Veteran Friendly GP practice

We, at New Barn Close Surgery are proud to be an accredited Veteran Friendly GP practice and to support our veteran community.

As a Veteran Friendly GP Practice, we:

• Ask patients ‘Have you served in the Armed Forces?’ to help identify veteran patients and code them onto our clinical system.

• Support veteran patients to access dedicated health services.

If you’re a veteran patient, please let us know that you have served so that we can make sure that we understand your health needs.

A University of Chester study revealed that the Veteran Friendly Accreditation programme, which is run by the Royal College of General Practitioners in partnership with NHS England, leads to better healthcare. To find out more about the veteran friendly practices accreditation scheme, visit 

6th Jan 2023

Job Vacancies

We have two Job Vacancies for a Full Time Clinical Pharmacist and a Maternity Cover GP for a Fixed Term Contract of 12 months. Please see the Job vacancy page on our website for more information, or click the link below:

 Job Vacancies

2nd Dec 2022

Self-booking appointments

The Surgery offers the ability to book Doctors appointments through Patient Access and the NHS APP. We are happy to announce we will also be offering self-bookable appointments for certain types of services that you are eligible for.

 You will receive a text to invite you to book your appointment through a service called AccurX, which we have previously used for all our patient correspondence. You will only receive this text if you are eligible for the appointment we are offering. Please follow the link and enter your date of birth and you will be able to see all available appointment times and dates for the service you require. These texts will be sent to those who need a scheduled blood test, CVD appointment or other service that we would like you to book.

If you do not want to receive text messages, please let reception know and you will longer receive text messages from the Surgery. However, this will mean you will no longer receive appointment reminders and any other correspondence with the surgery through text.

New Barn Close Surgery.

1st Nov 2022

Doctors Appointments

Notice to all Patients of New Barn Close Surgery

From 28th November our GP appointments will be changing, having listened to feedback from yourselves and in line with relaxation in restrictions on COVID guidance we have made the following changes to accommodate needs.

Our appointment system now allows patients to have access to additional pre-bookable appointments available up to 2 weeks in advance for non-urgent problems. Appointment can either be a face to face appointment or a telephone call, please specify which you require when booking. Appointments can still be booked online however these will be telephone only. We now have limited evening telephone appointments available, please discuss this with a receptionist for more information.

Same day appointments for on the day clinical needs continue to need to be booked at 8:30am by calling reception or by booking online.

We are pleased to make more appointments available to patients. However, to offer these appointments, we have shortened the duration of each appointment. Therefore, we ask patients to only address one medical issue per appointment. If you do have multiple clinical needs, please advise reception to book a double appointment.

Many Thanks and Kind Regards,

The New Barn Close Surgery team.

6th Sep 2022

GP training Practice

In November 2021, Dr John Hughes completed his training to become a "GP Trainer".

We are delighted that we will now be able to have GP Specialist Registrars working with us over a 3 year cycle.

We will start each cycle by having an ST1 Registrar for 4 months, followed by and ST2 Registrar for 8 months. We then have our original ST1 registrar back with us for a whole ST3 year leading up to their final qualification as fully qualified GP.

These registrars are not medical students. They are fully qualified doctors who have completed 5 years in medical school and then at least 2 further years as Foundation Year junior doctors working in a variety of hospital and community specialties.

They have then chosen General Practice as their career and their training programme is a further 3 years alernating between placements in hospitals and primary care.

Our role as educators and as a training practice is to ensure they are adequately equipped for a life as an independant practitioner. 

It is a very exciting role, please help support us.

Our current ST1 doctor is Dr William Pemberton

Online Access
6th Jun 2022

Online Appointments and Prescriptions

Online appointments can be booked through Patient access as well as ordering Prescriptions.

Patient Access connects you to local health services when you need them most. Book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and discover local health services for you or your family via your mobile or home computer

If you do not already have a Patient Access account then please contact reception, or fill out the forms on online services and bring in one form of photographic ID. 

6th Jun 2022

Practice Participation Group - Volunteers Needed

Did you know that every GP practice in England must have a Patient Participation Group (PPG)?

Find out what PPGs could do for you....or better still....get involved!

If you would like further information on the PPG please contact the surgery  

6th Jun 2022

Important Information in regards to Emails


Please do not request medical advice or try to contact or pass any information to any of the doctors via any forms/email addresses that you may find on this website.

The GPs have made a decision not to deal with any medical queries or information requests for medical advice via email. This is because confidentiality cannot be guaranteed and there is no way of knowing when an email will be read.

If you need medical advice or if you need to give information to your GP, then please make an appointment to see your doctor.


6th Jun 2022

What To Do In An Emergency

If you have a life-threatening emergency eg sudden weakness, speech disturbance, chest pain, collapse, major bleeding then you need to dial 999. The ambulance service is the most appropriate service to deal with these problems. Our services are here to deal with non-life-threatening conditions and so are not set up to deal with emergencies. Contacting us rather than the emergency services could result in a delay in getting you the right care.  

Thank you for your understanding and support.