We have two types of doctors appointments at New Barn Close Surgery, same day appointments and pre-bookable appointments.
We also offer a combination of bookable face-to-face (F2F) appointments and remote telephone/video consultations. The ratio of F2F to telephone consultations is 1:1. But we also have free F2F slots available for those patients whose initial remote telephone appointment requires a F2F appointment.
All appointment types can be booked via our reception team or via Patient Access or NHS111.
We also have a range of other appointment types that our reception team may direct you towards. These are appointments with colleagues who work with us who will be more appropriate people to deal with your issue. These include:
Pharmacist - for medication reviews and queries
First Contact Physiotherapist - for acute musculoskeletal aches and pains/minor injuries
Paramedic - minor illness
Care Co-ordinator - who can help with social care issues, care agencies etc...
Well Being Advisor - Mental Health issues
Please utilise these roles, as they are often the most appropriate people to speak to rather than the GPs and practice nurses.
Same-day Telephone Appointments
We have same-day appointments, which are released at 8:30am each morning.
Same-day appointments can be arranged by ringing the surgery at 8.30am, as the appointments do go very quickly.
Our reception team have been instructed to ask you for a general reason as to why you need an appointment. This is to ensure that you are triaged to the correct appointment type and with the correct person.
All patients with "acute respiratory" symptoms will automatically get triaged to a telephone appointment rather than a F2F appointment. This is to reduce the accidental exposure of Covid-19 to staff and other patients.
Once you have arranged a same-day telephone appointment with one of our receptionists, your GP will call you, either in the morning or the afternoon, depending on what time you contacted us. We do not have specific times for when the Doctor will call you, however you can let the receptionist know if there is a certain time that does not suit you. If the doctor wishes to see you following a telephone call, he/she will arrange a mutually convenient appointment with you.
Face-to-face appointments can be pre-booked and we have urgent appointments available on the day. Please note, we have a limited amount of these appointments and they are reserved for problems that cannot wait or are urgent and require the Doctors’ immediate attention on that day.
The appointments line is extremely busy at these times, so please hold and we will answer your call as soon as possible.
Pre-bookable Appointments
Pre-bookable F2F or telephone appointments can be made weeks in advance. These are for matters that are not urgent and can wait until your chosen GP is available. This may include medication reviews, to discuss non-urgent test results or referrals.
You can ring the surgery at any time to make a pre-bookable appointment for a telephone conversation or, if appropriate, a face-to-face appointment. You can choose to have either a morning or afternoon call/appointment. Please be aware, there is roughly a two-week wait for these appointments, which varies depending on the Doctors’ schedule.